The blog of Maxime Kjaer

CS-452 Foundations of Software

Writing a parser with parser combinators

In Scala, you can (ab)use the operator overload to create an embedded DSL (EDSL) for grammars. While a grammar may look as follows in a grammar description language (Bison, Yak, ANTLR, …):

Expr ::= Term {'+' Term | '−' Term}
Term ::= Factor {'∗' Factor | '/' Factor}
Factor ::= Number | '(' Expr ')'

In Scala, we can model it as follows:

def expr: Parser[Any] = term ~ rep("+" ~ term | "−" ~ term)
def term: Parser[Any] = factor ~ rep("∗" ~ factor | "/" ~ factor)
def factor: Parser[Any] = "(" ~ expr ~ ")" | numericLit

This is perhaps a little less elegant, but allows us to encode it directly into our language, which is often useful for interop.

The ~, |, rep and opt are parser combinators. These are primitives with which we can construct a full parser for the grammar of our choice.


First, let’s define a class ParseResult[T] as an ad-hoc monad; parsing can either succeed or fail:

sealed trait ParseResult[T]
case class Success[T](result: T, in: Input) extends ParseResult[T]
case class Failure(msg : String, in: Input) extends ParseResult[Nothing]

👉 Nothing is the bottom type in Scala; it contains no members, and nothing can extend it

Let’s also define the tokens produced by the lexer (which we won’t define) as case classes extending Token:

sealed trait Token
case class Keyword(chars: String) extends Token
case class NumericLit(chars: String) extends Token
case class StringLit(chars: String) extends Token
case class Identifier(chars: String) extends Token

Input into the parser is then a lazy stream of tokens (with positions for error diagnostics, which we’ll omit here):

type Input = Reader[Token]

We can then define a standard, sample parser which looks as follows on the type-level:

class StandardTokenParsers {
    type Parser = Input => ParseResult

The basic idea

For each language (defined by a grammar symbol S), define a function f that, given an input stream i (with tail i'):

  • if a prefix of i is in S, return Success(Pair(x, i')), where x is a result for S
  • otherwise, return Failure(msg, i), where msg is an error message string

The first is called success, the second is failure. We can compose operations on this somewhat conveniently, like we would on a monad (like Option).

Simple parser primitives

All of the above boilerplate allows us to define a parser, which succeeds if the first token in the input satisfies some given predicate pred. When it succeeds, it reads the token string, and splits the input there.

def token(kind: String)(pred: Token => boolean) = new Parser[String] {
    def apply(in : Input) =
        if (pred(in.head)) Success(in.head.chars, in.tail)
        else Failure(kind + " expected ", in)

We can use this to define a keyword parser:

implicit def keyword(chars: String) = token("'" + chars + "'") {
    case Keyword(chars1) => chars == chars1
    case _ => false

Marking it as implicit allows us to write keywords as normal strings, where we can omit the keyword call (this helps us simplify the notation in our DSL; we can write "if" instead of keyword("if")).

We can make other parsers for our other case classes quite simply:

def numericLit = token("number")(_.isInstanceOf[NumericLit])
def stringLit = token("string literal")(_.isInstanceOf[StringLit])
def ident = token("identifier")(_.isInstanceOf[Identifier])

Parser combinators

We are going to define the following parser combinators:

  • ~: sequential composition
  • <~, >~: sequential composition, keeping left / right only
  • |: alternative
  • opt(X): option (like a ? quantifier in a regex)
  • rep(X): repetition (like a * quantifier in a regex)
  • repsep(P, Q): interleaved repetition
  • ^^: result conversion (like a map on an Option)
  • ^^^: constant result (like a map on an Option, but returning a constant value regardless of result)

But first, we’ll write some very basic parser combinators: success and failure, that respectively always succeed and always fail:

def success[T](result: T) = new Parser[T] {
    def apply(in: Input) = Success(result, in)

def failure(msg: String) = new Parser[Nothing] {
    def apply(in: Input) = Failure(msg, in)

All of the above are methods on a Parser[T] class. Thanks to infix space notation in Scala, we can denote x.y(z) as x y z, which allows us to simplify our DSL notation; for instance A ~ B corresponds to A.~(B).

abstract class Parser[T] {
    // An abstract method that defines the parser function
    def apply(in : Input): ParseResult

    def ~[U](rhs: Parser[U]) = new Parser[T ~ U] {
        def apply(in: Input) = Parser.this(in) match {
            case Success(x, tail) => rhs(tail) match {
                case Success(y, rest) => Success(new ~(x, y), rest)
                case failure => failure
            case failure => failure

    def |(rhs: => Parser[T]) = new Parser[T] {
        def apply(in : Input) = Parser.this(in) match {
            case s1 @ Success(_, _) => s1
            case failure => rhs(in)

    def ^^[U](f: T => U) = new Parser[U] {
        def apply(in : Input) = Parser.this(in) match {
            case Success(x, tail) => Success(f(x), tail)
            case x => x

    def ^^^[U](r: U): Parser[U] = ^^(x => r)

👉 In Scala, T ~ U is syntactic sugar for ~[T, U], which is the type of the case class we’ll define below

For the ~ combinator, when everything works, we’re using ~, a case class that is equivalent to Pair, but prints the way we want to and allows for the concise type-level notation above.

case class ~[T, U](_1 : T, _2 : U) {
    override def toString = "(" + _1 + " ~ " + _2 +")"

At this point, we thus have two different meanings for ~: a function ~ that produces a Parser, and the ~(a, b) case class pair that this parser returns (all of this is encoded in the function signature of the ~ function).

Note that the | combinator takes the right-hand side parser as a call-by-name argument. This is because we don’t want to evaluate it unless it is strictly needed—that is, if the left-hand side fails.

^^ is like a map operation on Option; P ^^ f succeeds iff P succeeds, in which case it applies the transformation f on the result of P. Otherwise, it fails.


We can now define shorthands for common combinations of parser combinators:

def opt[T](p : Parser[T]): Parser[Option[T]] = p ^^ Some | success(None)

def rep[T](p : Parser[T]): Parser[List[T]] = 
    p ~ rep(p) ^^ { case x ~ xs => x :: xs } | success(Nil)

def repsep[T, U](p : Parser[T], q : Parser[U]): Parser[List[T]] = 
    p ~ rep(q ~> p) ^^ { case r ~ rs => r :: rs } | success(Nil)

Note that none of the above can fail. They may, however, return None or Nil wrapped in success.

As an exercise, we can implement the rep1(P) parser combinator, which corresponds to the + regex quantifier:

def rep1[T](p: Parser[T]) = p ~ rep(p)

Example: JSON parser

Let’s define a JSON parser. Scala’s parser combinator library has a StandardTokenParsers that give us a variety of utility methods for lexing, like lexical.delimiters, lexical.reserved, stringLit and numericLit.

object JSON extends StandardTokenParsers {
    lexical.delimiters += ("{", "}", "[", "]", ":")
    lexical.reserved += ("null", "true", "false")

    // Return Map
    def obj: Parser[Any] = "{" ~ repsep(member, ",") ~ "}" ^^ (ms => Map() ++ ms)

    // Return List
    def arr: Parser[Any] = "[" ~> repsep(value, ",") <~ "]"

    // Return name/value pair:
    def member: Parser[Any] = stringLit ~ ":" ~ value ^^ {
        case name ~ ":" ~ value => (name, value) 

    // Return correct Scala type
    def value: Parser[Any] =
        | arr 
        | stringLit
        | numericLit ^^ (_.toInt)
        | "null" ^^^ null
        | "true" ^^^ true
        | "false" ^^^ false

The trouble with left-recursion

Parser combinators work top-down and therefore do not allow for left-recursion. For example, the following would go into an infinite loop, where the parser keeps recursively matching the same token unto expr:

def expr = expr ~ "-" ~ term

Let’s take a look at an arithmetic expression parser:

object Arithmetic extends StandardTokenParsers {
    lexical.delimiters ++= List("(", ")", "+", "−", "∗", "/")
    def expr: Parser[Any] = term ~ rep("+" ~ term | "−" ~ term)
    def term: Parser[Any] = factor ~ rep("∗" ~ factor | "/" ~ factor)
    def factor: Parser[Any] = "(" ~ expr ~ ")" | numericLit

This definition of expr, namely term ~ rep("-" ~ term) produces a right-leaning tree. For instance, 1 - 2 - 3 produces 1 ~ List("-" ~ 2, ~ "-" ~ 3).

The solution is to combine calls to rep with a final foldLeft on the list:

object Arithmetic extends StandardTokenParsers {
    lexical.delimiters ++= List("(", ")", "+", "−", "∗", "/")
    def expr: Parser[Any] = term ~ rep("+" ~ term | "−" ~ term) ^^ reduceList
    def term: Parser[Any] = factor ~ rep("∗" ~ factor | "/" ~ factor) ^^ reduceList
    def factor: Parser[Any] = "(" ~ expr ~ ")" | numericLit

    private def reduceList(list: Expr ~ List[String ~ Expr]): Expr = list match {
        case x ~ xs => (x foldLeft ps)(reduce)

    private def reduce(x: Int, r: String ~ Int) = r match {
        case "+" ~ y => x + y
        case "−" ~ y => x  y
        case "∗" ~ y => x  y
        case "/" ~ y => x / y
        case => throw new MatchError("illegal case: " + r)

👉 It used to be that the standard library contained parser combinators, but those are now a separate module. This module contains a chainl (chain-left) method that reduces after a rep for you.

Arithmetic expressions — abstract syntax and proof principles

This section follows Chapter 3 in TAPL.

Basics of induction

Ordinary induction is simply:

Suppose P is a predicate on natural numbers.
    If P(0)
    and, for all i, P(i) implies P(i + 1)
    then P(n) holds for all n

We can also do complete induction:

Suppose P is a predicate on natural numbers.
    If for each natural number n,
    given P(i) for all i < n we can show P(n)
    then P(n) holds for all n

It proves exactly the same thing as ordinary induction, it is simply a restated version. They’re interderivable; assuming one, we can prove the other. Which one to use is simply a matter of style or convenience. We’ll see some more equivalent styles as we go along.

Mathematical representation of syntax

Let’s assume the following grammar:

t ::= 
    if t then t else t
    succ t
    pred t
    iszero t

What does this really define? A few suggestions:

  • A set of character strings
  • A set of token lists
  • A set of abstract syntax trees

It depends on how you read it; a grammar like the one above contains information about all three.

However, we are mostly interested in the ASTs. The above grammar is therefore called an abstract grammar. Its main purpose is to suggest a mapping from character strings to trees.

For our use of these, we won’t be too strict with these. For instance, we’ll freely use parentheses to disambiguate what tree we mean to describe, even though they’re not strictly supported by the grammar. What matters to us here aren’t strict implementation semantics, but rather that we have a framework to talk about ASTs. For our purposes, we’ll consider that two terms producing the same AST are basically the same; still, we’ll distinguish terms that only have the same evaluation result, as they don’t necessarily have the same AST.

How can we express our grammar as mathematical expressions? A grammar describes the legal set of terms in a program by offering a recursive definition. While recursive definitions may seem obvious and simple to a programmer, we have to go through a few hoops to make sense of them mathematically.

Mathematical representation 1

We can use a set of terms. The grammar is then the smallest set such that:

  1. ,
  2. If then ,
  3. If then we also have .

Mathematical representation 2

We can also write this somewhat more graphically:

This is exactly equivalent to representation 1, but we have just introduced a different notation. Note that “the smallest set closed under…” is often not stated explicitly, but implied.

Mathematical representation 3

Alternatively, we can build up our set of terms as an infinite union:

We can thus build our final set as follows:

Note that we can “pull out” the definition into a generating function :

The generating function is thus defined as:

Each function takes a set of terms as input and produces “terms justified by ” as output; that is, all terms that have the items of as subterms.

The set is said to be closed under F or F-closed if .

The set of terms as defined above is the smallest F-closed set. If is another F-closed set, then .

Comparison of the representations

We’ve seen essentially two ways of defining the set (as representation 1 and 2 are equivalent, but with different notation):

  1. The smallest set that is closed under certain rules. This is compact and easy to read.
  2. The limit of a series of sets. This gives us an induction principle on which we can prove things on terms by induction.

The first one defines the set “from above”, by intersecting F-closed sets.

The second one defines it “from below”, by starting with and getting closer and closer to being F-closed.

These are equivalent (we won’t prove it, but Proposition 3.2.6 in TAPL does so), but can serve different uses in practice.

Induction on terms

First, let’s define depth: the depth of a term is the smallest such that .

The way we defined , it gets larger and larger for increasing ; the depth of a term gives us the step at which is introduced into the set.

We see that if a term is in , then all of its immediate subterms must be in , meaning that they must have smaller depth.

This justifies the principle of induction on terms, or structural induction. Let P be a predicate on a term:

If, for each term s,
    given P(r) for all immediate subterms r of s we can show P(s)
    then P(t) holds for all t

All this says is that if we can prove the induction step from subterms to terms (under the induction hypothesis), then we have proven the induction.

We can also express this structural induction using generating functions, which we introduced previously.

Suppose T is the smallest F-closed set.
If, for each set U,
    from the assumption "P(u) holds for every u ∈ U",
    we can show that "P(v) holds for every v ∈ F(U)"
    P(t) holds for all t ∈ T

Why can we use this?

  • We assumed that was the smallest F-closed set, which means that for any other F-closed set .
  • Showing the pre-condition (“for each set , from the assumption…”) amounts to showing that the set of all terms satisfying (call it ) is itself an F-closed set.
  • Since , every element of satisfies .

Inductive function definitions

An inductive definition is used to define the elements in a set recursively, as we have done above. The recursion theorem states that a well-formed inductive definition defines a function. To understand what being well-formed means, let’s take a look at some examples.

Let’s define our grammar function a little more formally. Constants are the basic values that can’t be expanded further; in our example, they are true, false, 0. As such, the set of constants appearing in a term , written , is defined recursively as follows:

This seems simple, but these semantics aren’t perfect. First off, a mathematical definition simply assigns a convenient name to some previously known thing. But here, we’re defining the thing in terms of itself, recursively. And the semantics above also allow us to define ill-formed inductive definitions:

The last rule produces infinitely large rules (if we implemented it, we’d expect some kind of stack overflow). We’re missing the rules for if-statements, and we have a useless rule for 0, producing empty sets.

How do we tell the difference between a well-formed inductive definition, and an ill-formed one as above? What is well-formedness anyway?

What is a function?

A relation over is a subset of , where the Cartesian product is defined as:

A function from (domain) to (co-domain) can be viewed as a two-place relation, albeit with two additional properties:

  • It is total:
  • It is deterministic:

Totality ensures that the A domain is covered, while being deterministic just means that the function always produces the same result for a given input.

Induction example 1

As previously stated, is a relation. It maps terms (A) into the set of constants that they contain (B). The induction theorem states that it is also a function. The proof is as follows.

is total and deterministic: for each term there is exactly one set of terms such that 1 . The proof is done by induction on .

To be able to apply the induction principle for terms, we must first show that for an arbitrary term , under the following induction hypothesis:

For each immediate subterm of , there is exactly one set of terms such that

Then the following needs to be proven as an induction step:

There is exactly one set of terms such that

We proceed by cases on :

  • If is , or

    We can immediately see from the definition that of that there is exactly one set of terms ) such that .

    This constitutes our base case.

  • If is , or

    The immediate subterm of is , and the induction hypothesis tells us that there is exactly one set of terms such that . But then it is clear from the definition that there is exactly one set of terms such that .

  • If is

    The induction hypothesis tells us:

    • There is exactly one set of terms such that
    • There is exactly one set of terms such that
    • There is exactly one set of terms such that

    It is clear from the definition of that there is exactly one set such that .

This proves that is indeed a function.

But what about ? It is also a relation, but it isn’t a function. For instance, we have and , which violates determinism. To reformulate this in terms of the above, there are two sets such that , namely and .

Note that there are many other problems with , but this is sufficient to prove that it isn’t a function.

Induction example 2

Let’s introduce another inductive definition:

We’d like to prove that the number of distinct constants in a term is at most the size of the term. In other words, that

The proof is by induction on :

  • is a constant; , or

    The proof is immediate. For constants, the number of constants and the size are both one:

  • is a function; , or

    By the induction hypothesis, .

    We can then prove the proposition as follows:

  • is an if-statement:

    By the induction hypothesis, , and .

    We can then prove the proposition as follows:

Operational semantics and reasoning


Suppose we have the following syntax

t ::=                  // terms
    true                   // constant true
    false                  // constant false 
    if t then t else t     // conditional

The evaluation relation is the smallest relation closed under the following rules.

The following are computation rules, defining the “real” computation steps:

The following is a congruence rule, defining where the computation rule is applied next:

We want to evaluate the condition before the conditional clauses in order to save on evaluation; we’re not sure which one should be evaluated, so we need to know the condition first.


We can describe the evaluation logically from the above rules using derivation trees. Suppose we want to evaluate the following (with parentheses added for clarity): if (if true then true else false) then false else true.

In an attempt to make all this fit onto the screen, true and false have been abbreviated T and F in the derivation below, and the then keyword has been replaced with a parenthesis notation for the condition.

The final statement is a conclusion. We say that the derivation is a witness for its conclusion (or a proof for its conclusion). The derivation records all reasoning steps that lead us to the conclusion.

Inversion lemma

We can introduce the inversion lemma, which tells us how we got to a term.

Suppose we are given a derivation witnessing the pair in the evaluation relation. Then either:

  1. If the final rule applied in was , then we have and for some and
  2. If the final rule applied in was , then we have and for some and
  3. If the final rule applied in was , then we have and , for some . Moreover, the immediate subderivation of witnesses .

This is super boring, but we do need to acknowledge the inversion lemma before we can do induction proofs on derivations. Thanks to the inversion lemma, given an arbitrary derivation with conclusion , we can proceed with a case-by-case analysis on the final rule used in the derivation tree.

Let’s recall our definition of the size function. In particular, we’ll need the rule for if-statements:

We want to prove that if , then .

  1. If the final rule applied in was , then we have and , and the result is immediate from the definition of
  2. If the final rule applied in was , then we have and , and the result is immediate from the definition of
  3. If the final rule applied in was , then we have and . In this case, is witnessed by a derivation . By the induction hypothesis, , and the result is then immediate from the definition of

Abstract machines

An abstract machine consists of:

  • A set of states
  • A transition relation of states, written

means that evaluates to in one step. Note that is a relation, and that is shorthand for . Often, this relation is a partial function (not necessarily covering the domain A; there is at most one possible next state). But without loss of generality, there may be many possible next states, determinism isn’t a criterion here.

Normal forms

A normal form is a term that cannot be evaluated any further. More formally, a term is a normal form if there is no such that . A normal form is a state where the abstract machine is halted; we can regard it as the result of a computation.

Values that are normal form

Previously, we intended for our values (true and false) to be exactly that, the result of a computation. Did we get that right?

Let’s prove that a term is a value it is in normal form.

  • The direction is immediate from the definition of the evaluation relation .
  • The direction is more conveniently proven as its contrapositive: if is not a value, then it is not a normal form, which we can prove by induction on the term .

    Since is not a value, it must be of the form . If is directly true or false, then or apply, and we are done.

    Otherwise, if where isn’t a value, by the induction hypothesis, there is a such that . Then rule yields , which proves that is not in normal form.

Values that are not normal form

Let’s introduce new syntactic forms, with new evaluation rules.

t ::=        // terms
    0            // constant 0
    succ t       // successor
    pred t       // predecessor 
    iszero t     // zero test

v ::=  nv     // values

nv ::=        // numeric values
    0             // zero value
    succ nv       // successor value

The evaluation rules are given as follows:

All values are still normal forms. But are all normal forms values? Not in this case. For instance, succ true, iszero true, etc, are normal forms. These are stuck terms: they are in normal form, but are not values. In general, these correspond to some kind of type error, and one of the main purposes of a type system is to rule these kinds of situations out.

Multi-step evaluation

Let’s introduce the multi-step evaluation relation, . It is the reflexive, transitive closure of single-step evaluation, i.e. the smallest relation closed under these rules:

In other words, it corresponds to any number of single consecutive evaluations.

Termination of evaluation

We’ll prove that evaluation terminates, i.e. that for every term there is some normal form such that .

First, let’s recall our proof that . Now, for our proof by contradiction, assume that we have an infinite-length sequence such that:

But this sequence cannot exist: since is a finite, natural number, we cannot construct this infinite descending chain from it. This is a contradiction.

Most termination proofs have the same basic form. We want to prove that the relation is terminating — that is, there are no infinite sequences such that for each . We proceed as follows:

  1. Choose a well-suited set with partial order such that there are no infinite descending chains in . Also choose a function .
  2. Show
  3. Conclude that are no infinite sequences such that for each . If there were, we could construct an infinite descending chain in .

As a side-note, partial order is defined as the following properties:

  1. Anti-symmetry:
  2. Transitivity:

We can add a third property to achieve total order, namely .

Lambda calculus

Lambda calculus is Turing complete, and is higher-order (functions are data). In lambda calculus, all computation happens by means of function abstraction and application.

Lambda calculus is isomorphic to Turing machines.

Suppose we wanted to write a function plus3 in our previous language:

plus3 x = succ succ succ x

The way we write this in lambda calculus is:

is written x => t in Scala, or fun x -> t in OCaml. Application of our function, say plus3(succ 0), can be written as:

Abstraction over functions is possible using higher-order functions, which we call -abstractions. An example of such an abstraction is the function below, which takes an argument and uses it in the function position.

If we apply to an argument like , we can just use the substitution rule to see how that defines a new function.

Another example: the twice function below takes two arguments, as a curried function would. First, it takes the function to apply twice, then the argument on which to apply it, and then returns .

Pure lambda calculus

Once we have -abstractions, we can actually throw out all other language primitives like booleans and other values; all of these can be expressed as functions, as we’ll see below. In pure lambda-calculus, everything is a function.

Variables will always denote a function, functions always take other functions as parameters, and the result of an evaluation is always a function.

The syntax of lambda-calculus is very simple:

t ::=      // terms, also called λ-terms
    x         // variable
    λx. t     // abstraction, also called λ-abstractions
    t t       // application

A few rules and syntactic conventions:

  • Application associates to the left, so means , not .
  • Bodies of lambda abstractions extend as far to the right as possible, so means , not


The lambda expression binds the variable , with a scope limited to . Occurrences of inside of are said to be bound, while occurrences outside are said to be free.

Let be the set of free variables in a term . It’s defined as follows:

Operational semantics

As we saw with our previous language, the rules could be distinguished into computation and congruence rules. For lambda calculus, the only computation rule is:

The notation means “the term that results from substituting free occurrences of in with ”.

The congruence rules are:

A lambda-expression applied to a value, , is called a reducible expression, or redex.

Evaluation strategies

There are alternative evaluation strategies. In the above, we have chosen call by value (which is the standard in most mainstream languages), but we could also choose:

  • Full beta-reduction: any redex may be reduced at any time. This offers no restrictions, but in practice, we go with a set of restrictions like the ones below (because coding a fixed way is easier than coding probabilistic behavior).
  • Normal order: the leftmost, outermost redex is always reduced first. This strategy allows to reduce inside unapplied lambda terms
  • Call-by-name: allows no reductions inside lambda abstractions. Arguments are not reduced before being substituted in the body of lambda terms when applied. Haskell uses an optimized version of this, call-by-need (aka lazy evaluation).

Classical lambda calculus

Classical lambda calculus allows for full beta reduction.

Confluence in full beta reduction

The congruence rules allow us to apply in different ways; we can choose between and every time we reduce an application, and this offers many possible reduction paths.

While the path is non-deterministic, is the result also non-deterministic? This question took a very long time to answer, but after 25 years or so, it was proven that the result is always the same. This is known the Church-Rosser confluence theorem:

Let be terms such that and . Then there exists a term such that and

Alpha conversion

Substitution is actually trickier than it looks! For instance, in the expression , the first occurrence of is bound (it refers to a parameter), while the second is free (it does not refer to a parameter). This is comparable to scope in most programming languages, where we should understand that these are two different variables in different scopes, and .

The above example had a variable that is both bound and free, which is something that we’ll try to avoid. This is called a hygiene condition.

We can transform a unhygienic expression to a hygienic one by renaming bound variables before performing the substitution. This is known as alpha conversion. Alpha conversion is given by the following conversion rule:

And these equivalence rules (in mathematics, equivalence is defined as symmetry and transitivity):

The congruence rules are as usual.

Programming in lambda-calculus

Multiple arguments

The way to handle multiple arguments is by currying:


The fundamental, universal operator on booleans is if-then-else, which is what we’ll replicate to model booleans. We’ll denote our booleans as and to be able to distinguish these pure lambda-calculus abstractions from the true and false values of our previous toy language.

We want true to be equivalent to if (true), and false to if (false). The terms and represent boolean values, in that we can use them to test the truth of a boolean value:

We can consider these as booleans. Equivalently tru can be considered as a function performing (t1, t2) => if (true) t1 else t2. To understand this, let’s try to apply to two arguments:

This works equivalently for fls.

We can also do inversion, conjunction and disjunction with lambda calculus, which can be read as particular if-else statements:

  • not is a function that is equivalent to not(b) = if (b) false else true.
  • and is equivalent to and(b, c) = if (b) c else false
  • or is equivalent to or(b, c) = if (b) true else c


The fundamental operations are construction pair(a, b), and selection pair._1 and pair._2.

  • pair is equivalent to pair(f, s) = (b => b f s)
  • When tru is applied to pair, it selects the first element, by definition of the boolean, and that is therefore the definition of fst
  • Equivalently for fls applied to pair, it selects the second element


We’ve actually been representing numbers as lambda-calculus numbers all along! Our succ function represents what’s more formally called Church numerals.

Note that ’s implementation is the same as that of (just with renamed variables).

Every number is represented by a term taking two arguments, which are and (for “successor” and “zero”), and applies to , times. Fundamentally, a number is equivalent to the following:

With this in mind, let us implement some functions on numbers.

  • Successor : we apply the successor function to (which has been correctly instantiated with and )
  • Addition : we pass the instantiated as the zero of
  • Subtraction : we apply times to
  • Multiplication : instead of the successor function, we pass the addition by function.
  • Zero test : zero has the same implementation as false, so we can lean on that to build an iszero function. An alternative understanding is that we’re building a number, in which we use true for the zero value . If we have to apply the successor function once or more, we want to get false, so for the successor function we use a function ignoring its input and returning false if applied.

What about predecessor? This is a little harder, and it’ll take a few steps to get there. The main idea is that we find the predecessor by rebuilding the whole succession up until our number. At every step, we must generate the number and its predecessor: zero is , and all other numbers are . Once we’ve reconstructed this pair, we can get the predecessor by taking the first element of the pair.


The story goes that Church was stumped by predecessors for a long time. This solution finally came to him while he was at the barber, and he jumped out half shaven to write it down.


Now what about lists?

Recursion in lambda-calculus

Let’s start by taking a step back. We talked about normal forms and terms for which we terminate; does lambda calculus always terminate? It’s Turing complete, so it must be able to loop infinitely (otherwise, we’d have solved the halting problem!).

The trick to recursion is self-application:

From a type-level perspective, we would cringe at this. This should not be possible in the typed world, but in the untyped world we can do it. We can construct a simple infinite loop in lambda calculus as follows:

The expression evaluates to itself in one step; it never reaches a normal form, it loops infinitely, diverges. This is not a stuck term though; evaluation is always possible.

In fact, there are no stuck terms in pure lambda calculus. Every term is either a value or reduces further.

So it turns out that isn’t so terribly useful. Let’s try to construct something more practical:

Now, the divergence is a little more interesting:

This function is known as a Y combinator. It still loops infinitely (though note that while it works in classical lambda calculus, it blows up in call-by-name), so let’s try to build something more useful.

To delay the infinite recursion, we could build something like a poison pill:

It can be passed around (after all, it’s just a value), but evaluating it will cause our program to loop infinitely. This is the core idea we’ll use for defining the fixed-point combinator (also known as the call-by-value Y combinator), which allows us to do recursion. It’s defined as follows:

This looks a little intricate, and we won’t need to fully understand the definition. What’s important is mostly how it is used to define a recursive function. For instance, if we wanted to define a modulo function in our toy language, we’d do it as follows:

def mod(x, y) = 
    if (y > x) x
    else mod(x - y, y)

In lambda calculus, we’d define this as:

We’ve assumed that a greater-than function was available here.

More generally, we can define a recursive function as:

Equivalence of lambda terms

We’ve seen how to define Church numerals and successor. How can we prove that is equal to ?

The naive approach unfortunately doesn’t work; they do not evaluate to the same value.

This still seems very close. If we could simplify a little further, we do see how they would be the same.

The intuition behind the Church numeral representation was that a number is represented as a term that “does something times to something else”. takes a term that “does something times to something else”, and returns a term that “does something times to something else”.

What we really care about is that behaves the same as when applied to two arguments. We want behavioral equivalence. But what does that mean? Roughly, two terms and are behaviorally equivalent if there is no “test” that distinguishes and .

Let’s define this notion of “test” this a little more precisely, and specify how we’re going to observe the results of a test. We can use the notion of normalizability to define a simple notion of a test:

Two terms and are said to be observationally equivalent if they are either both normalizable (i.e. they reach a normal form after a finite number of evaluation steps), or both diverge.

In other words, we observe a term’s behavior by running it and seeing if it halts. Note that this is not decidable (by the halting problem).

For instance, and are not observationally equivalent (one diverges, one halts), while and are (they both halt).

Observational equivalence isn’t strong enough of a test for what we need; we need behavioral equivalence.

Two terms and are said to be behaviorally equivalent if, for every finite sequence of values the applications and are observationally equivalent.

This allows us to assert that true and false are indeed different:

The former returns a normal form, while the latter diverges.


As previously, to define a language, we start with a set of terms and values, as well as an evaluation relation. But now, we’ll also define a set of types (denoted with a first capital letter) classifying values according to their “shape”. We can define a typing relation . We must check that the typing relation is sound in the sense that:

These rules represent some kind of safety and liveness, but are more commonly referred to as progress and preservation, which we’ll talk about later. The first one states that types are preserved throughout evaluation, while the second says that if we can type-check, then evaluation of will not get stuck.

In our previous toy language, we can introduce two types, booleans and numbers:

T ::=     // types
    Bool     // type of booleans
    Nat      // type of numbers

Our typing rules are then given by:

With these typing rules in place, we can construct typing derivations to justify every pair (which we can also denote as a pair) in the typing relation, as we have done previously with evaluation. Proofs of properties about the typing relation often proceed by induction on these typing derivations.

Like other static program analyses, type systems are generally imprecise. They do not always predict exactly what kind of value will be returned, but simply a conservative approximation. For instance, if true then 0 else false cannot be typed with the above rules, even though it will certainly evaluate to a number. We could of course add a typing rule for if true statements, but there is still a question of how useful this is, and how much complexity it adds to the type system, and especially for proofs. Indeed, the inversion lemma below becomes much more tedious when we have more rules.

Properties of the Typing Relation

The safety (or soundness) of this type system can be expressed by the following two properties:

  • Progress: A well-typed term is not stuck.

    If then either is a value, or else for some .

  • Preservation: Types are preserved by one-step evaluation.

    If and , then .

We will prove these later, but first we must state a few lemmas.

Inversion lemma

Again, for types we need to state the same (boring) inversion lemma:

  1. If , then .
  2. If , then .
  3. If , then , and
  4. If then
  5. If then and
  6. If then and
  7. If then and

From the inversion lemma, we can directly derive a typechecking algorithm:

def typeof(t: Expr): T = t match {
    case True | False => Bool
    case If(t1, t2, t3) =>
        val type1 = typeof(t1)
        val type2 = typeof(t2)
        val type3 = typeof(t3)
        if (type1 == Bool && type2 == type3) type2
        else throw Error("not typable")
    case Zero => Nat
    case Succ(t1) => 
        if (typeof(t1) == Nat) Nat
        else throw Error("not typable")
    case Pred(t1) => 
        if (typeof(t1) == Nat) Nat
        else throw Error("not typable")
    case IsZero(t1) => 
        if (typeof(t1) == Nat) Bool
        else throw Error("not typable")

Canonical form

A simple lemma that will be useful for lemma is that of canonical forms. Given a type, it tells us what kind of values we can expect:

  1. If is a value of type Bool, then is either or
  2. If is a value of type Nat, then is a numeric value

The proof is somewhat immediate from the syntax of values.

Progress Theorem

Theorem: suppose that is a well-typed term of type . Then either is a value, or else there exists some such that .

Proof: by induction on a derivation of .

  • The , and are immediate, since is a value in these cases.
  • For , we have , with , and . By the induction hypothesis, there is some such that .

    If is a value, then rule 1 of the canonical form lemma tells us that must be either or , in which case or applies to .

    Otherwise, if , then by ,

  • For , we have .

    is a value, by rule 5 of the inversion lemma and by rule 2 of the canonical form, for some numeric value . Therefore, is a value. If , then .

  • The cases for , and are similar.

Preservation Theorem

Theorem: Types are preserved by one-step evaluation. If and , then .

Proof: by induction on the given typing derivation

  • For and , the precondition doesn’t hold (no reduction is possible), so it’s trivially true. Indeed, is already a value, either or .
  • For , there are three evaluation rules by which can be derived, depending on
    • If , then by we have , and from rule 3 of the inversion lemma and the assumption that , we have , that is
    • If , then by we have , and from rule 3 of the inversion lemma and the assumption that , we have , that is
    • If , then by the induction hypothesis, . Combining this with the assumption that and , we can apply to conclude , that is

Messing with it

Removing a rule

What if we remove ? Then pred 0 type checks, but it is stuck and is not a value; the progress theorem fails.

Changing type-checking rule

What if we change the to the following?

This doesn’t break our type system. It’s still sound, but it rejects if-else expressions that return other things than numbers (e.g. booleans). But that is an expressiveness problem, not a soundness problem; our type system disallows things that would otherwise be fine by the evaluation rules.

Adding bit

We could add a boolean to natural function bit(t). We’d have to add it to the grammar, add some evaluation and typing rules, and prove progress and preservation.

We’ll do something similar this below, so the full proof is omitted.

Simply typed lambda calculus

Simply Typed Lambda Calculus (STLC) is also denoted . The “pure” form of STLC is not very interesting on the type-level (unlike for the term-level of pure lambda calculus), so we’ll allow base values that are not functions, like booleans and integers. To talk about STLC, we always begin with some set of “base types”:

T ::=     // types
    Bool    // type of booleans
    T -> T  // type of functions

In the following examples, we’ll work with a mix of our previously defined toy language, and lambda calculus. This will give us a little syntactic sugar.

t ::=                // terms
    x                   // variable
    λx. t               // abstraction
    t t                 // application
    true                // constant true
    false               // constant false
    if t then t else t  // conditional

v ::=   // values
    λx. t  // abstraction value
    true   // true value
    false  // false value

Type annotations

We will annotate lambda-abstractions with the expected type of the argument, as follows:

We could also omit it, and let type inference do the job (as in OCaml), but for now, we’ll do the above. This will make it simpler, as we won’t have to discuss inference just yet.

Typing rules

In STLC, we’ve introduced abstraction. To add a typing rule for that, we need to encode the concept of an environment , which is a set of variable assignments. We also introduce the “turnstile” symbol , meaning that the environment can verify the right hand-side typing, or that must imply the right-hand side.

This additional concept must be taken into account in our definition of progress and preservation:

  • Progress: If , then either is a value or else for some
  • Preservation: If and , then

To prove these, we must take the same steps as above. We’ll introduce the inversion lemma for typing relations, and restate the canonical forms lemma in order to prove the progress theorem.

Inversion lemma

Let’s start with the inversion lemma.

  1. If then
  2. If then
  3. If then and .
  4. If then
  5. If then for some with
  6. If then there is some type such that and .

Canonical form

The canonical forms are given as follows:

  1. If is a value of type Bool, then it is either or
  2. If is a value of type then has the form


Finally, we get to prove the progress by induction on typing derivations.

Theorem: Suppose that is a closed, well typed term (that is, for some type ). Then either is a value, or there is some such that .

  • For boolean constants, the proof is immediate as is a value
  • For variables, the proof is immediate as is closed, and the precondition therefore doesn’t hold
  • For abstraction, the proof is immediate as is a value
  • Application is the only case we must treat.

    Consider , with and .

    By the induction hypothesis, is either a value, or it can make a step of evaluation. The same goes for .

    If can reduce, then rule applies to . Otherwise, if it is a value, and can take a step, then applies. Otherwise, if they are both values (and we cannot apply -reduction), then the canonical forms lemma above tells us that has the form , and so rule applies to .


Theorem: If and then .

Proof: by induction on typing derivations. We proceed on a case-by-case basis, as we have done so many times before. But one case is hard: application.

For , such that and , and where , we want to show .

To do this, we must use the inversion lemma for evaluation (note that we haven’t written it down for STLC, but the idea is the same). There are three subcases for it, starting with the following:

The left-hand side is , and the right-hand side of application is a value . In this case, we know that the result of the evaluation is given by .

And here, we already run into trouble, because we do not know about how types act under substitution. We will therefore need to introduce some lemmas.

Weakening lemma

Weakening tells us that we can add assumptions to the context without losing any true typing statements:

If , and the environment has no information about —that is, —then the initial assumption still holds if we add information about to the environment:

Moreover, the latter derivation has the same depth as the former.

Permutation lemma

Permutation tells us that the order of assumptions in does not matter.

If and is a permutation of , then .

Moreover, the latter derivation has the same depth as the former.

Substitution lemma

Substitution tells us that types are preserved under substitution.

That is, if and , then .

The proof goes by induction on the derivation of , that is, by cases on the final typing rule used in the derivation.

  • Case : in this case, .

    Thanks to typechecking, we know that the environment validates and . In this case, the resulting type of the application is .

    By the induction hypothesis, , and .

    By , the environment then also verifies the application of these two substitutions as : . We can factorize the substitution to obtain the conclusion, i.e.

  • Case : if ( is a simple variable ) where . There are two subcases to consider here, depending on whether is or another variable:
    • If , then . The result is then , which is among the assumptions of the lemma
    • If , then , and the desired result is immediate
  • Case : if , with , and .

    Based on our hygiene convention, we may assume and .

    Using permutation on the first given subderivation in the lemma (), we obtain (we have simply changed the order of and ).

    Using weakening on the other given derivation in the lemma (), we obtain .

    By the induction hypothesis, .

    By , we have

    By the definition of substitution, this is .


We’ve now proven the following lemmas:

  • Weakening
  • Permutation
  • Type preservation under substitution
  • Type preservation under reduction (i.e. preservation)

We won’t actually do the proof, we’ve just set up the pieces we need for it.


Type annotations do not play any role in evaluation. In STLC, we don’t do any run-time checks, we only run compile-time type checks. Therefore, types can be removed before evaluation. This often happens in practice, where types do not appear in the compiled form of a program; they’re typically encoded in an untyped fashion. The semantics of this conversion can be formalized by an erasure function:

Curry-Howard Correspondence

The Curry-Howard correspondence tells us that there is a correspondence between constructive logic and typed lambda-calculus with product and sum types.

An implication (which could also be written ) can be proven by transforming evidence for into evidence for . A conjunction is a pair of evidence for and evidence for . For more examples of these correspondences, see the Brouwer–Heyting–Kolmogorov (BHK) interpretation or Curry-Howard correspondence on Wikipedia.

Logic Programming languages
Propositions Types
or Function type
Pair type
Sum type
Dependent type
Proof of Term of type
is provable Type is inhabited
Proof simplification Evaluation

In Scala, all types are inhabited except for the bottom type Nothing. Singleton types are only inhabited by a single term.

As an example of the equivalence, we’ll see that application is equivalent to modus ponens:

This also tells us that if we can prove something, we can evaluate it.

How can we prove the following? Remember that is right-associative.

The proof is actually a somewhat straightforward conversion to lambda calculus:

Extensions to STLC

Base types

Up until now, we’ve defined our base types (such as and ) manually: we’ve added them to the syntax of types, with associated constants () and operators (), as well as associated typing and evaluation rules.

This is a lot of minutiae though, especially for theoretical discussions. For those, we can often ignore the term-level inhabitants of the base types, and just treat them as uninterpreted constants: we don’t really need the distinction between constants and values. For theory, we can just assume that some generic base types (e.g. and ) exist, without defining them further.

Unit type

In C-like languages, this type is usually called void. To introduce it, we do not add any computation rules. We must only add it to the grammar, values and types, and then add a single typing rule that trivially verifies units.

Units are not too interesting, but are quite useful in practice, in part because they allow for other extensions.


We can define sequencing as two statements following each other:

t ::=
    t1; t2

This implies adding some evaluation and typing rules, defined below:

But there’s another way that we could define sequencing: simply as syntactic sugar, a derived form for something else. In this way, we define an external language, that is transformed to an internal language by the compiler in the desugaring step.

This is useful to know, because it makes proving soundness much easier. We do not need to re-state the inversion lemma, re-prove preservation and progress. We can simple rely on the proof for the underlying internal language.


t ::=
    t as T

Ascription allows us to have a compiler type-check a term as really being of the correct type:

This seems like it preserves soundness, but instead of doing the whole proof over again, we’ll just propose a simple desugaring, in which an ascription is equivalent to the term applied the identity function, typed to return :

Alternatively, we could do the whole proof over again, and institute a simple evaluation rule that ignores the ascription.


We can introduce pairs into our grammar.

t ::= 
    {t, t}    // pair
    t.1       // first projection
    t.2       // second projection

v ::=
    {v, v}    // pair value

T ::=
    T1 x T2   // product types

Note that product types are right-associative: . We can also introduce evaluation rules for pairs:

The typing rules are then:

Pairs have to be added “the hard way”: we do not really have a way to define them in a derived form, as we have no existing language features to piggyback onto.


Tuples are like pairs, except that we do not restrict it to 2 elements; we allow an arbitrary number from 1 to n. We can use pairs to encode tuples: (a, b, c) can be encoded as (a, (b, c)). Though for performance and convenience, most languages implement them natively.


We can easily generalize tuples to records by annotating each field with a label. A record is a bundle of values with labels; it’s a map of labels to values and types. Order of records doesn’t matter, the only index is the label.

If we allow numeric labels, then we can encode a tuple as a record, where the index implicitly encodes the numeric label of the record representation.

No mainstream language has language-level support for records (two case classes in Scala may have the same arguments but a different constructor, so it’s not quite the same; records are more like anonymous objects). This is because they’re often quite inefficient in practice, but we’ll still use them as a theoretical abstraction.

Sums and variants

Sum type

A sum type is a disjoint union of and . Pragmatically, we can have sum types in Scala with case classes extending an abstract object:

sealed trait Option[+T]
case class Some[+T] extends Option[T]
case object None extends Option[Nothing]

In this example, Option = Some + None. We say that is on the left, and on the right. Disjointness is ensured by the tags and . We can think of these as functions that inject into the left or right of the sum type :

Still, these aren’t really functions, they don’t actually have function type. Instead, we use them them to tag the left and right side of a sum type, respectively.

Another way to think of these stems from Curry-Howard correspondence. Recall that in the BHK interpretation, a proof of is a pair <a, b> where a is 0 (also denoted ) and b a proof of , or a is 1 (also denoted ) and b is a proof of .

To use elements of a sum type, we can introduce a case construct that allows us to pattern-match on a sum type, allowing us to distinguishing the left type from the right one.

We need to introduce these three special forms in our syntax:

t ::= ...                           // terms
    inl t                              // tagging (left)
    inr t                              // tagging (right)
    case t of inl x => t | inr x => t  // case

v ::= ... // values
    inl v   // tagged value (left)
    inr v   // tagged value (right)

T ::= ...  // types
    T + T     // sum type

This also leads us to introduce some new evaluation rules:

And we’ll also introduce three typing rules:

Sums and uniqueness of type

The rules and may seem confusing at first. We only have one type to deduce from, so what do we assign to and , respectively? These rules mean that we have lost uniqueness of types: if has type , then has type for every .

There are a couple of solutions to this:

  1. We can infer as needed during typechecking
  2. Give constructors different names and only allow each name to appear in one sum type. This requires generalization to variants, which we’ll see next. OCaml adopts this solution.
  3. Annotate each inl and inr with the intended sum type.

For now, we don’t want to look at type inference and variance, so we’ll choose the third approach for simplicity. We’ll introduce these annotation as ascriptions on the injection operators in our grammar:

t ::=
    inl t as T
    inr t as T

v ::=
    inl v as T
    inr v as T

The evaluation rules would be exactly the same as previously, but with ascriptions in the syntax. The injection operators just now also specify which sum type we’re injecting into, for the sake of uniqueness of type.


Just as we generalized binary products to labeled records, we can generalize binary sums to labeled variants. We can label the members of the sum type, so that we write instead of ( and are the labels).

As a motivating example, we’ll show a useful idiom that is possible with variants, the optional value. We’ll use this to create a table. The example below is just like in OCaml.

OptionalNat = <none: Unit,  some: Nat>;
Table = Nat -> OptionalNat;
emptyTable = λt: Nat. <none=unit> as OptionalNat;

extendTable = 
    λt: Table. λkey: Nat. λval: Nat.
        λsearch: Nat.
            if (equal search key) then <some=val> as OptionalNat
            else (t search)

The implementation works a bit like a linked list, with linear look-up. We can use the result from the table by distinguishing the outcome with a case:

x = case t(5) of
    <none=u> => 999
  | <some=v> => v


In STLC, all programs terminate. We’ll go into a little more detail later, but the main idea is that evaluation of a well-typed program is guaranteed to halt; we say that the well-typed terms are normalizable.

Indeed, the infinite recursions from untyped lambda calculus (terms like and ) are not typable, and thus cannot appear in STLC. Since we can’t express in STLC, instead of defining it as a term in the language, we can add it as a primitive instead to get recursion.

t ::=
    fix t

We’ll need to add evaluation rules recreating its behavior, and a typing rule that restricts its use to the intended use-case.

In order for a function to be recursive, the function needs to map a type to the same type, hence the restriction of . The type will itself be a function type if we’re doing a recursion. Still, note that the type system doesn’t enforce this. There will actually be situations in which it will be handy to use something else than a function type inside a fix operator.

Seeing that this fixed-point notation can be a little involved, we can introduce some nice syntactic sugar to work with it:

This can now refer to the ; that’s the convenience offered by the construct. Although we don’t strictly need to introduce typing rules (it’s syntactic sugar, we’re relying on existing constructs), a typing rule for this could be:

In Scala, a common error message is that a recursive function needs an explicit return type, for the same reasons as the typing rule above.



In most programming languages, variables are (or can be) mutable. That is, variables can provide a name referring to a previously calculated value, as well as a way of overwriting this value with another (under the same name). How can we model this in STLC?

Some languages (e.g. OCaml) actually formally separate variables from mutation. In OCaml, variables are only for naming, the binding between a variable and a value is immutable. However, there is the concept of mutable values, also called reference cells or references. This is the style we’ll study, as it is easier to work with formally. A mutable value is represented in the type-level as a Ref T (or perhaps even a Ref(Option T), since the null pointer cannot produce a value).

The basic operations are allocation with the ref operator, dereferencing with ! (in C, we use the * prefix), and assignment with :=, which updates the content of the reference cell. Assignment returns a unit value.


Two variables can reference the same cell: we say that they are aliases for the same cell. Aliasing is when we have different references (under different names) to the same cell. Modifying the value of the reference cell through one alias modifies the value for all other aliases.

The possibility of aliasing is all around us, in object references, explicit pointers (in C), arrays, communication channels, I/O devices; there’s practically no way around it. Yet, alias analysis is quite complex, costly, and often makes is hard for compilers to do optimizations they would like to do.

With mutability, the order of operations now matters; r := 1; r := 2 isn’t the same as r := 2; r := 1. If we recall the Church-Rosser theorem, we’ve lost the principle that all reduction paths lead to the same result. Therefore, some language designers disallow it (Haskell). But there are benefits to allowing it, too: efficiency, dependency-driven data flow (e.g. in GUI), shared resources for concurrency (locks), etc. Therefore, most languages provide it.

Still, languages without mutability have come up with a bunch of abstractions that allow us to have some of the benefits of mutability, like monads and lenses.

Typing rules

We’ll introduce references as a type Ref T to represent a variable of type T. We can construct a reference as r = ref 5, and access the contents of the reference using !r (this would return 5 instead of ref 5).

Let’s define references in our language:

t ::=          // terms
    unit          // unit constant
    x             // variable
    λx: T. t      // abstraction
    t t           // application
    ref t         // reference creation
    !t            // dereference
    t := t        // assignment


What is the value of ref 0? The crucial observation is that evaluation ref 0 must do something. Otherwise, the two following would behave the same:

r = ref 0
s = ref 0

r = ref 0 
s = r

Evaluating ref 0 should allocate some storage, and return a reference (or pointer) to that storage. A reference names a location in the store (also known as the heap, or just memory). Concretely, the store could be an array of 8-bit bytes, indexed by 32-bit integers. More abstractly, it’s an array of values, or even more abstractly, a partial function from locations to values.

We can introduce this idea of locations in our syntax. This syntax is exactly the same as the previous one, but adds the notion of locations:

v ::=         // values
    unit         // unit constant
    λx: T. t     // abstraction value
    l            // store location

t ::=         // terms
    unit         // unit constant
    x            // variable
    λx: T. t     // abstraction
    t t          // application
    ref t        // reference creation
    !t           // dereference
    t := t       // assignment
    l            // store location 

This doesn’t mean that we’ll allow programmers to write explicit locations in their programs. We just use this as a modeling trick; we’re enriching the internal language to include some run-time structures.

With this added notion of stores and locations, the result of an evaluation now depends on the store in which it is evaluated, which we need to reflect in our evaluation rules. Evaluation must now include terms and store :

Let’s take a look for the evaluation rules for STLC with references, operator by operator.

The assignments and evaluate terms until they become values. When they have been reduced, we can do that actual assignment: as per , we update the store and return return unit.

A reference first evaluates until it is a value (). To evaluate the reference operator, we find a fresh location in the store, to which it binds , and it returns the location .

We find the same congruence rule as usual in , where a term first evaluates until it is a value. Once it is a value, we can return the value in the current store using .

The evaluation rules for abstraction and application are augmented with stores, but otherwise unchanged.

Store typing

What is the type of a location? The answer to this depends on what is in the store. Unless we specify it, a store could contain anything at a given location, which is problematic for typechecking. The solution is to type the locations themselves. This leads us to a typed store:

As a first attempt at a typing rule, we can just say that the type of a location is given by the type of the value in the store at that location:

This is problematic though; in the following, the typing derivation for would be infinite because we have a cyclic reference:

The core of the problem here is that we would need to recompute the type of a location every time. But shouldn’t be necessary. Seeing that references are strongly typed as Ref T, we know exactly what type of value we can place in a given store location. Indeed, the typing rules we chose for references guarantee that a given location in the store always is used to hold values of the same type.

So to fix this problem, we need to introduce a store typing. This is a partial function from location to types, which we’ll denote by .

Suppose we’re given a store typing describing the store . We can use to look up the types of locations, without doing a lookup in :

This tells us how to check the store typing, but how do we create it? We can start with an empty typing , and add a typing relation with the type of when a new location is created during evaluation of .

The rest of the typing rules remain the same, but are augmented with the store typing. So in conclusion, we have updated our evaluation rules with a store , and our typing rules with a store typing .


Let’s take a look at progress and preservation in this new type system. Preservation turns out to be more interesting, so let’s look at that first.

We’ve added a store and a store typing, so we need to add those to the statement of preservation to include these. Naively, we’d write:

But this would be wrong! In this statement, and would not be constrained to be correlated at all, which they need to be. This constraint can be defined as follows:

A store is well typed with respect to a typing context and a store typing (which we denote by ) if the following is satisfied:

This gets us closer, and we can write the following preservation statement:

But this is still wrong! When we create a new cell with , we would break the correspondence between store typing and store.

The correct version of the progress theorem is the following:

This progress theorem just asserts that there is some store typing (agreeing with on the values of all old locations, but that may have also add new locations), such that is well typed in .

The progress theorem must also be extended with stores and store typings:

Suppose that is a closed, well-typed term; that is, for some type and some store typing . Then either is a value or else, for any store such that 2, there is some term and store with .

Type reconstruction and polymorphism

In type checking, we wanted to, given , and , check whether . So far, for type checking to take place, we required explicit type annotations.

In this section, we’ll look into type reconstruction, which allows us to infer types when type annotations aren’t present: given and , we want to find a type such that .

Immediately, we can see potential problems with this idea:

  • Abstractions without the parameter type annotation seem complicated to reconstruct (a parameter could almost have any type)
  • A term can have many types

To solve these problems, we’ll introduce polymorphism into our type system.

Constraint-based Typing Algorithm

The idea is to split the work in two: first, we want to generate and record constraints, and then, unify them (that is, attempt to satisfy the constraints).

In the following, we’ll denote constraints as a set of equations , constraining type variables to actual types .

Constraint generation

The constraint generation algorithm can be described as the following function

TP: Judgment -> Equations
TP(Γ ⊦ t : T) = case t of
    x     :    {Γ(x) ^= T}

    λx. t1:    let a, b fresh in
               {(a -> b) ^= T} ∪
               TP(Γ, (x: a) ⊦ t1 : b)

    t1 t2 :    let a fresh in
               TP(Γ ⊦ t1 : a -> T) ∪
               TP(Γ ⊦ t2 : a)

This creates a set of constraints between type variables and the expected types.

The above essentially gives us constraint generation rules in algorithmic form. An alternative notation is as to give the set of constraint typing relations, which are denoted as:

This can be read as “a term has type in the environment whenever constraints with type variables are satisfied”. The subscript keeps track of the fresh variables created in the various subderivations, and ensures that they are distinct.

The implementation we gave above could also be described by the following constraint generation rules:

We haven’t explicitly written it in , but we expect and to be distinct (i.e. ), and we expect to be fresh (i.e. not clash with anything else).

Soundness and completeness

In general a type reconstruction algorithm assigns to an environment and a term a set of types .

The algorithm is sound if for every type we can prove the judgment .

The algorithm is complete if for every provable judgment we have .

Soundness and completeness are the two directions of the following implication:

Soundness and completeness are about the and directions of the above, respectively. The TP function we defined previously for STLC is sound and complete, and the relationship is thus . We can write this mathematically as follows:


  • is a new type variable
  • is the set of type constraints
  • , where denotes the set of free type variables.
  • is notation for replacing with in


Now that we’ve generated a constraint set in the form , we’d like a way to substitute these constraints into real types. We must generate a set of substitutions:

These substitutions cannot be cyclical. The type variables may not appear recursively on their right-hand side (directly or indirectly). We can write this requirement as:

This substitution is an idempotent mapping from type variables to types, mapping all but a finite number of type variables to themselves. We can think of a substitution as a set of equations:

Alternatively, we can think of it as a function transforming types (based on the set of equations). Substitution is applied in a straightforward way:

Substitution has two properties:

  • Idempotence:
  • Composition: , the composition of substitutions, is also a substitution

The composition of two substitutions and is:

Essentially, if modifies , we apply the substitution on top of . If it leaves it unchanged, the result is just .


We present a unification algorithm based on Robinson’s 1965 unification algorithm:

mgu                      : (Type ^= Type) -> Subst -> Subst
mgu(T ^= U) s            = mgu'(sT ^= sU) s

mgu'(a ^= a) s           = s
mgu'(a ^= T) s           = s ∪ {a → T} if a ∉ tv(T)
mgu'(T ^= T) s           = s ∪ {a → T} if a ∉ tv(T)
mgu'(T -> T' ^= U -> U') = (mgu(T' ^= U') ◦ mgu(T ^= U)) s
mgu'(K[T1, ..., Tn] ^= K[U1, ..., Un]) s
                         = (mgu(Tn ^= Un) ◦ ... ◦ mgu(T1 ^= U1)) s
mgu'(T ^= U) s           = error

This function is called , which stands for most general unifier.

A substitution is a unifier of a set of equations if . This means that it can find an assignment to the type variables in the constraints so that all equations are trivially true.

The substitution is a most general unifier if for every other unifier of the same equations, there exists a substitution such that . In other words, it must be less specific (or more general) than all other unifiers.

If we give the following piece of code to a most general unifier, will be typed as , and not (more on universal types in the next chapter). Both would be correct, but the former would be most general.

let f = (λx. x) in f(3)

We won’t prove this, but just state it as a theorem: if we get a set of constraints which has a unifier, then computes the most general unifier of the constraints. If the constraints do not have a unifier, it fails.

In other words, the TP function is sound and complete.

Single-pass unification

Previously, we defined constraint generation. Once we had all the constraints, we passed them on to the unifier, which attempted to find a most general substitution satisfying the constraints.

In practice, however, it’s more common to merge the two, and to unify earlier. This allows us to eliminate some constraints early (which is good for performance), but also to get better error reporting.

TP: Judgment -> Subst -> Subst
TP(Γ ⊦ t : T) = case t of
    x     :    mgu({Γ(x) ^= T})

    λx. t1:    let a, b fresh in
               mgu({(a -> b) ^= T}) ◦
               TP(Γ, (x: a) ⊦ t1 : b)

    t1 t2 :    let a fresh in
               TP(Γ ⊦ t1 : a -> T) ◦
               TP(Γ ⊦ t2 : a)

This works because mgu is the most general unifier, meaning that it only generates principal types (more on these later) at each step. The means that the algorithm never needs to re-analyze a subterm, as it only makes the minimum commitments to achieve typability at each step.

Strong normalization

With this typing inference in place, we can be tempted to try to run this on the diverging that we defined much earlier, or perhaps on the Y combinator. But as we said before, self-application is not typable. In fact, we can state a stronger assertion:

Strong Normalization Theorem: if , then there is a value such that .

In other words, if we can type it, it reduces to a value. In the case of the infinite recursion, we cannot type it, and it does not evaluate to a value (instead, it diverges). So looping infinitely isn’t possible in STLC, which leads us to the corollary of this theorem: STLC is not Turing complete.


There are multiple forms of polymorphism:

  • Universal polymorphism (aka generic types): the ability to instantiate type variables
  • Inclusion polymorphism (aka subtying): the ability to treat a value of a subtype as a value of one of its supertypes
  • Ad-hoc (aka overloading): the ability to define several versions of the same function name with different types.

We’ll concentrate on universal polymorphism, of which there are to variants: explicit and implicit.

Explicit polymorphism

In STLC, a term can have many types, but a variable or parameter only has one type. With polymorphism, we open this up: we allow functions to be applied to arguments of many types. The resulting system is known as System F.

To do this, we can introduce a type abstraction with : this does the same thing as a regular , except that it takes a type. For instance, we could build a polymorphic identity function:

Application is like before, except that we write the type in square brackets (like in Scala, where we use [T], or <T> in Java). For instance, to get the identity function for natural numbers, we write:

This returns , which is an instance of the polymorphic function.

The type of the abstraction is written as . This polymorphic type notation can be used as any other type. The typing rules are:

For instance, the signature of map could be written as follows in Scala:

def map[A][B](f: A => B)(xs: List[A]) = ...

In System F we’d write:

Implicit polymorphism

An alternative type system is Hindley-Milner, which does not require annotations for parameter types, and instead opts for implicit polymorphism. The idea is that inference treats unannotated named values (i.e. let ... in ... statements) as polymorphic types. This explains why this feature is also known as let-polymorphism.

To have this feature, we must introduce the notion of type schemes. These are not fully general types, but are an internal construct used to type let expressions. A type scheme has the following syntax:

Not that a plain type is a type scheme, but that we can also add an arbitrary number of universal type arguments before it.

The typing rules for the Hindley-Milner are given below. Here, we always use as a metavariable for type schemes, and and for plain (non-polymorphic) types.

means that we can verify if is in the environment and it isn’t overwritten later (in ). This allows us to have some concept of scoping of variables.

allows to verify specific instances of a polymorphic type, and allows to generalize to a polymorphic type (with a hygiene condition telling us that the type variable we choose isn’t already in the environment).

is fairly straightforward. and are simply as in STLC.

Alternative Hindley Milner

A let-in statement can be regarded as shorthand for a substitution:

We can use this to get a revised Hindley-Milner system which we call HM’, where is replaced by the following:

In essence, it only changes the typing rule for let so that they perform a step of evaluation before calculating the types. This is equivalent to the previous HM system; we’ll state that as a theorem, without proof.


The corollary to this theorem is that, if we let be the result of expanding all lets in using the substitution above, then:

The converse is true if every let-bound name is used at least once:

Principal types

We previously remarked that there is a most general unifier, which instantiates the type variables in the most general way, the principal way. Principal types are a small formalization of this idea.

A type is a generic instance of a type scheme if there is a substitution on such that . In this case, we write .

A type scheme is a generic instance of a type scheme iff for all types :

In this case, we write .

A type scheme is principal (or most general) for and iff:

A type system TS has the principal typing property iff, whenever , there exists a principal type scheme for and .

In other words, a type system with principal types is one where the type engine doesn’t make any choices; it always finds the most general solution. The type checker may fail if it cannot advance without making a choice (e.g. for , where the typechecker would have to choose between , , etc).

The following can be stated as a theorem:

  1. HM’ without let has the principal typing property
  2. HM’ with let has the principal typing property
  3. HM has the principal typing property



Under , the following is not well typed:

We’re passing a record to a function that selects its x member. This is not well typed, but would still evaluate just fine; after all, we’re passing the function a better argument than it needs.

In general, we’d like to be able to define hierarchies of classes, with descendants having richer interfaces. These should still be usable instead of their ancestors. We solve this using subtyping.

We achieve this by introducing a subtyping relation , and a subsumption rule:

This rule tells us that if , then any value of type can also be regarded as having type . With this rule in place, we just need to define the rules for when we can assert .


General rules

Subtyping is reflective and transitive:


To solve our previous example, we can introduce subtyping between record types:

Using , we can see that our example is now well-typed. Of course, the subtyping rule we introduced here is too specific; we need something more general. We can do this by introducing three rules for subtyping of record types:

tells us that a record is a supertype of a record with additional fields to the right. Intuitively, the reason that the record more fields is a subtype of the record with fewer fields is because it places a stronger constraint on values, and thus describes fewer values (think of the Venn diagram of possible values).

Of course, adding fields to the right only is not strong enough of a rule, as order in a record shouldn’t matter. We fix this with , which allows us to reorder the record so that all additional fields are on the right: , and allows us to drop arbitrary fields within records.

Finally, allows for the types of individual fields to be subtypes of the supertype record’s fields.

Note that real languages often choose not to adopt these structural record subtyping rules. For instance, Java has no depth subtyping (a subclass may not change the argument or result types of a method of its superclass), no permutation for classes (single inheritance means that each member can be assigned a single index; new members can be added as new indices “on the right”), but has permutation for interfaces (multiple inheritance of interfaces is allowed).

Arrow types

Function types are contravariant in the argument and covariant in the return type. The rule is therefore:

Top type

For convenience, we have a top type that everything can be a subtype of. In Java, this corresponds to Object.

Aside: structural vs. declared subtyping

The subtype relation we defined for records is structural: we decide whether is a subtype of by examining the structure of and . By contrast, most OO languages (e.g. Java) use declared subtyping: is only a subtype of if the programmer has stated that it should be (with extends or implements).

We’ll come back to this when we talk about Featherweight Java.

Properties of subtyping


The problem with subtyping is that it changes how we do proofs. They become a bit more involved, as the typing relation is no longer syntax directed; when we’re proving things, we need to start making choices, as the rule could appear anywhere. Still, the proofs are possible.

Inversion lemma for subtyping

Before we can prove safety and preservation, we’ll introduce the inversion lemma for subtyping.

Inversion Lemma: If , then has the form with and .

The proof is by induction on subtyping derivations:

  • Case , : immediate, as already has the correct form, and as we can deduce and from .
  • Case , : by applying twice, we get and , as required.
  • Case , and

    By the IH on the second subderivation, we find that has the form with and .

    Applying the IH again to the first subderivation, we find that has the form with and

    By , we get , and by again, as required

Inversion lemma for typing

We’ll introduce another lemma, but this time for typing (not subtyping):

Iversion lemma: if , then and .

Again, the proof is by induction on typing derivations:

  • Case , where , and : the result is immediate (using to get from ).
  • Case , and

    By the inversion lemma for subtyping, we have , with and .

    By the IH, we then have and .

    We can apply to and to get .

    We can apply to the assumptions that and to conclude


Remember that preservation states that if and then .

The proof is by induction on typing derivations:

  • Case : and .

    By the IH, .

    By , .

  • Case : , , and . By the inversion lemma for evaluation3, there are three rules by which can be derived:

Subtyping features


In languages like Java and C++, ascription is a little more interesting than what we previously defined it as. In these languages, ascription serves as a casting operator.

Contrary to , the rule allows the ascription to be of a different type than the term. This allows the programmer to have an escape hatch, and get around the type checker. However, this laissez-faire solution means that a run-time check is necessary, as shows.


The subtyping rules for variants are almost identical to those of records, with the main difference being the width rule allows variants to be added, not dropped:

The intuition for is that a tagged expression belongs to a variant type if the label is one of the possible labels . This is easy to understand if we consider the Option example that we used previously: some and none are subtypes of Option.


List is an example of a covariant type constructor: we want List[None] to be a subtype of List[Option].


References are not covariant nor invariant. An example of an invariant constructor is a reference.

  • When a reference is read, the context expects so giving a is fine
  • When a reference is written, the context provides a . If the the actual type of the reference is , someone may later use the as an , so we need

Similarly, arrays are invariant, for the same reason:

Instead, Java has covariant arrays:

This is because the Java language designers felt that they needed to be able to write a sort routine for mutable arrays, and implemented this as a quick fix. Instead, it turned out to be a mistake that even the Java designers regret.

The solution to this invariance problem is based on the following observation: a Ref T can be used either for reading or writing. To be able to have contravariant reading and covariant writing, we can split a Ref T in three:

  • Source T: a reference with read capability
  • Sink T: a reference cell with write capability
  • Ref T: a reference cell with both capabilities

The typing rules then limit dereference to sources, and assignment to sinks:

The subtyping rules establish sources as covariant constructors, sinks as contravariant, and a reference as a subtype of both:

Algorithmic subtyping

So far, in STLC, our typing rules were syntax directed. This means that for every for every form of a term, a specific rule applied; which rule to choose was always straightforward.

The reason the choice is so straightforward is because we can divide the positions of a typing relation like into input positions ( and ), and output positions (, ).

However, by introducing subtyping, we introduced rules that break this: and apply to any kind of term, and can appear at any point of a derivation. Every time our type checking algorithm encounters a term, it must decide which rule to apply. also introduces the problem of having to pick an intermediary type (which is neither an input nor an output position), for which there can be multiple choices. also overlaps with the conclusions of other rules, although this is a less severe problem.

But this excess flexibility isn’t strictly needed; we don’t need 1000 ways to prove a given typing or subtyping statement, one is enough. The solution to these problems is to replace the ordinary, declarative typing and subtyping relations with algorithmic relations, whose sets of rules are syntax directed. This implies proving that the algorithmic relations are equivalent to the original ones, that subsumption, transitivity and reflexivity are consequences of our algorithmic rules.


For simple objects and classes, we can easily use a translational analysis, converting ideas like dynamic dispatch, state, inheritance, into derived forms from lambda calculus such as (higher-order) functions, records, references, recursion, subtyping. However, for more complex features (like this), we’ll need a more direct treatment.

In this section, we’ll just identify the core features of object-oriented programming, and propose translations for the simpler features. The more complex features will lead us to defining Featherweight Java.


Let’s take a look at an example of a class:

class Counter {
    protected int x = 1;
    int get() { return x; }
    void inc() { x++; }

To represent this in lambda calculus, we could use a record in a let body:

let x = ref 1 in {
    get = λ_: Unit. !x
    inc = λ_: Unit. x := succ(!x)

More generally, the state may consist of more than a single reference cell, so we can let the state be represented by a variable r corresponding to a record with (potentially) multiple fields.

let r = {x = ref 1} in {
    get = λ_: Unit. !(r.x)
    inc = λ_: Unit. r.x := succ(!(r.x))

Object generators

To create a new object, we can just define a function that creates and returns a Counter:

newCounter = λ_: Unit. 
    let r = {x = ref 1} in {
        get = λ_: Unit. !(r.x)
        inc = λ_: Unit. r.x := succ(!(r.x))

This returns a newCounter object of type , where the type is defined as:

Dynamic dispatch

When an operation is invoked on an object, the ensuing behavior depends on the object itself; indeed, two object of the same type may be implemented internally in completely different ways.

For instance, we can define two subclasses doing very different things:

class A {
    int x = 0;
    int m() {
        x = x + 1;
        return x;

class B extends A {
    int m() {
        x = x + 5;
        return x;

class C extends A {
    int m() {
        x = x - 10;
        return x;

Here, (new B()).m() and (new C()).m() have different results.

Dynamic dispatch is a kind of late binding for function calls. Rather than construct the binding from call to function at compile-time, the idea in dynamic dispatch is to bind at runtime.


In most OO languages, each object consists of some internal state. The state is directly accessible to the methods, but inaccessible from the outside.In Java, the encapsulation can be enabled with protected, which allows for a sort of information hiding.

The type of an object is just the set of operations that can be performed on it. It doesn’t include the internal state.

Inheritance and subtyping

Subtyping is a way to talk about types. Inheritance is more focused on the idea of sharing behavior, on avoiding duplication of code.

The basic mechanism of inheritance is classes, which can be:

  • instantiated to create new objects (“instances”), or
  • refined to create new classes (“subclasses”). Subclasses are subtypes of their parent classes.

When we refine a class, it’s usually to add methods to it. We saw previously that a record A with more fields than B is a subtype of B; let’s try to extend that behavior to objects.

As an example, let’s try to look at a ResetCounter inheriting from Counter, adding a reset method that sets x to 1. In Java, we’d do this as follows:

class Counter {
    protected int x = 1;
    int get() {
        return x;
    void increment() {

class ResetCounter extends Counter {
    void reset() {
        x = 1;

How can we implement ResetCounter in lambda calculus? Initially, we can just try to do this by coping the Counter body into a new object ResetCounter, and add a reset method:

newResetCounter =
    λ_: Unit. let r = {x = ref 1} in {
        get   = λ_: Unit. !(r.x),
        inc   = λ_: Unit. r.x := succ(!(r.x)),
        reset = λ_: Unit. r.x := 1

But this goes against the DRY principle from software engineering.

Another thing that we could try is to take a Counter as an argument in the ResetCounter object generator:

resetCounterFromCounter = λc. Counter. 
    let r = {x = ref 1} in {
        get   = c.get,
        inc   = c.inc,
        reset = λ_: Unit. r.x := 1

However, this is problematic because we’re not sharing the state; we’ve got two separate counts in Counter and ResetCounter, and they cannot access each other’s state.

To solve this, we must separate the method definition from the object generator. To do this, we can use the age-old computer science adage of “every problem can be solved with an additional level of indirection”.

counterClass = λr: CounterState. {
    get = λ_: Unit. !(r.x),
    inc = λ_: Unit. r.x := succ(!(r.x))

newCounter = λ_: Unit. 
    let r = {x = ref 1} in counterClass r;

To define the subclass, we’ll first have to introduce the notion of super. We know this construct from Java, among others. Java’s super gives us a mechanism to avoid dynamic dispatch, since we specifically call the method in the superclass we inherit from.

For the subclass, the idea is to instantiate the super, and bind the methods of the object to the super’s methods. The classes both have access to the same value through the use of references.

resetCounterClass = λr: CounterState.
    let super = counterClass r in {
        get   = super.get,
        inc   = super.inc,
        reset = λ_: Unit. r.x := 1

newResetCounter = λ_: Unit.
    let r = {x = ref 1} in resetCounterClass r;

This also allows us to call super in added or redefined methods (so reset could call super.inc if it needed to, or we could redefine inc to add functionality around super.inc).

Our state record r can even contain more variable than the superclass needs, as records with more fields are subtypes of those with a subset of fields. This allows us to have more instance variables in the subclass.

Note that if we wanted to be more rigorous, we’d have to define this more precisely. In STLC, we’ve defined records through structural subtyping. But most object-oriented languages use nominal subtyping, where things aren’t subtypes of each other just because they have the same methods, but because we declare them to be so. We’ll see more on this later.


Above, we saw how to call methods from the parent class through super. To call methods between each other, we need to add this.

Let’s consider the following class as an example:

class SetCounter {
    protected int x = 0;
    int get() {
        return x;
    void set(int i) {
        x = i
    void inc() {
        this.set(this.get() + 1);

This example may be a little simplistic, but in practice, it’s very useful to be able to use other methods within the same class.

In an initial attempt at implementing this in lambda calculus, we can add a fix operator to the class definition, so that we can call ourselves:

setCounterClass = λr: CounterState. 
    fix (λthis: SetCounter. {
        get = λ_: Unit. !(r.x),
        set = λi: Nat.  r.x := i,
        int = λ_: Unit. this.set (succ (this.get unit))

As a small sanity check, we pass a type to fix operation, so the resulting type is indeed .

We have “tied the knot” by using the fix operator, which arranges for the very record we built to also be passed as this.

But this does not model the behavior of this in most object-oriented languages, which support a more general form of recursive call between methods, known as open recursion. This allows the methods of a superclass to call the methods of a subclass through this.

The problem here is that the fixed point operation is “closed”: it only gives us the exact set we built in this, and isn’t open to extension. To solve this, we can move the application of fix from the class definition to the object creation function (essentially switching the order of fix and λr: CounterState):

setCounterClass = λr: CounterState. 
    λthis: SetCounter. {
        get = λ_: Unit. !(r.x),
        set = λi: Nat.  r.x := i,
        int = λ_: Unit. this.set (succ (this.get unit))

newSetCounter = λ_: Unit.
    let r = {x = ref 1} in fix (setCounterClass r);

Note that this changes the type signature of the class, which goes from:

To the following:

But passing it the state, and passing that to fix does indeed give us a type, so our constructor returns the expected type.

Using this

Let’s continue the example from above by defining a new class of counter object, keeping count of the number of times set has been called. We’ll call this an “instrumented counter” InstrCounter, extending the SetCounter we defined above:

InstrCounter = {
    get: Unit -> Nat,
    set: Nat  -> Unit,
    inc: Unit -> Unit
    accesses: Unit -> Nat

IntrCounterState = {
    x: Ref Nat,
    a: Ref Nat

instrCounterClass = λr: InstrCounterState. λthis: InstrCounter.
    let super = setCounterClass r this in {
        get = super.get,
        set = λi: Nat. (
            r.a := succ(!(r.a));
            super.set i
        inc = super.inc,
        accesses = λ_: Unit. !(r.a)

newInstrCounter = λ_: Unit. 
    let r = {x = ref 1, a = ref 0} in fix (instrCounterClass r);

A few notes about this implementation:

  • The methods use this (passed as a parameter) and super (constructed using this and the state variable r)
  • Because we allow for open recursion, the inc in super calls the set defined here, which calls the super.set

But this implementation is not very useful, as the object creator diverges! Intuitively, the problem is that the “unprotected” use of this. The argument that we pass to fix uses its own argument (this) too early; in general, to create fixed points abstractions that don’t diverge, the assumption is that one should only use the argument in “protected” locations, such as in the bodies of inner lambda abstractions.

A solution is to “delay” this by putting a dummy abstraction in front of it:

setCounterClass = λr: CounterState. 
    λthis: Unit -> SetCounter.
        λ_: Unit. {
            get = λ_: Unit. !(r.x),
            set = λi: Nat.  r.x := i,
            int = λ_: Unit. this.set (succ (this.get unit))

This essentially replaces call-by-value with call-by-name. Now, this is of type .

This works, but very slowly. All the delaying we added has a side effect. Instead of computing the method table just once, we now re-compute it every time we invoke a method. Indeed, every time we need it, since we’re in call-by-name, we re-compute it every time.

The solution here is to use lazy values, which we can represent in lambda calculus as a reference, along with a flag about whether we’ve computed it or not. Section 18.12 describes this in more detail.

Featherweight Java

We’ve now covered the essence of objects, but there are still certain things missing compared to Java. With objects, we’ve captured the runtime aspect of classes, but we haven’t really talked about the classes as types.

We’re also missing a discussion on:

  • Named types with declared subtyping (we’ve only done structural subtyping)
  • Recursive types, like the ones we need for list tails, for instance
  • Run-time type analysis: most type systems have escape hatches known as casts, which we haven’t talked about
  • Many other things

Seeing that we have plenty to talk about, let’s try to define a model for Java. A model always abstracts details away, so there’s no such thing as a perfect model. It’s always a question of which trade-offs we choose for our specific use-case.

Java is used for a lot of different purposes, so we are going to have lots of different models. For instance, some of the choices we need to make are:

  • Source-level vs. bytecode level
  • Large (inclusive) vs small (simple) models
  • Type system vs. run-time
  • Models of specific features

Featherweight Java was proposed as a tool for analyzing GJ (Java with generics), and has since been used to study proposed Java extensions. It aims to be very simple, modeling just the core OO features and their types, and nothing else. It models:

  • Classes and objects,
  • Method and method invocation,
  • Fields and field access,
  • Inheritance (including open recursion through this)
  • Casting

It leaves out more complex topics such as reflection, concurrency, exceptions, loops, assignment (!) and overloading.

The model aims to be very explicit, and simple. To maintain this simplicity, it imposes some conventions:

  • Every class must declare a superclass
  • All classes must have a constructor
  • All fields must be represented 1-to-1 in the constructor
    • It takes the same number of parameters of fields of the class
    • It assigns constructor parameters to local fields
    • Calls super constructor to assign remaining fields
    • Nothing else!
  • The constructor must call super()
  • Always explicitly name receiver object in method invocation or field access (using this.x or that.x)
  • Methods are just a single return expression

Structural vs. Nominal type systems

There’s a big dichotomy in the world of programming languages.

On one hand, we have structural type systems, where the names are convenient but inessential abbreviations of types. What really matters about a type in a structural type system is its structure. It’s somewhat cleaner and more elegant, easier to extend, but once we need to talk about recursive types, some of the elegance falls away. Examples include Haskell, Go and TypeScript.

On the other hand, what’s used in almost all mainstream programming languages is nominal type systems. Here, recursive types are much simpler, and using names everywhere makes type checking much simpler. Having named types is also useful at run-time for casting, type testing, reflection, etc. Examples include Java, C++, C# and Kotlin.

Representing objects

How can we represent an object? What defines it? Two objects are different if their constructors are different, or if their constructors have been passed different arguments. This observation leads us to the idea that we can identify an object fully by looking at the new expression. Here, having omitted assignments makes our life much easier.


The syntax of Featherweight Java is:

Above and in the following, we use the following metavariables:

  • , , , , for class names
  • , for field names
  • for parameter names
  • , for terms
  • , for values
  • for constructor declarations
  • for method declarations

We’ll use the notation to mean arbitrary repetition of , and similarly for , etc. For method declaration, means (no commas).

The notation means we’ve “zipped” the two together: .

Similarly, means


Java is a nominal type system, so subtyping in FJ is declared. This means that in addition to two properties for reflexion and transitivity, the subtyping relationship is given by the declared superclass.

We assume to have a class table , mapping class names to their definition.

Auxiliary definitions

We can glean a lot of useful properties from the definition in the class table, so it’ll come in handy for evaluation and typing.

We said earlier that every class needed to define a superclass, but what about Object? The simplest way to deal with this is to let Object be an exception, a distinguished class name whose definition does not appear in the class table.

The fields of a class , written is the sequence mapping the class to each field. The fields of a class are those defined within it, and those it inherits from the superclasses:

The type of a method , written is a pair mapping argument types to a result type by searching up the chain of superclasses until we find the definition of the method :

Method body lookups work in basically the same way. It returns a pair of parameters and a term by searching up the chain of superclasses:

Featherweight Java also models overriding, so we can define a predicate function that checks whether the method with argument types and result type is overridden in a subclass of :


FJ has three computation rules for field access, method invocation and casting.

It also has a bunch of congruence rules:

As and show, it uses call-by-value evaluation order.


is as usual. says that we can type-check the ith field by looking up the type of the ith field in the class.

We have two rules for casting: one for subtypes (), and one for supertypes (). We do not allow casting to an unrelated type, because FJ complies with Java, and Java doesn’t allow it.

For methods and classes, we want to make sure that overrides are valid, that we pass the correct arguments to the superclass constructor.

Also note that the our typing rules often have subsumption built into them (e.g. see ), instead of having a separate subsumption rule. This allows us to have algorithmic subtyping, which we need for two reasons:

  1. To perform static overloading resolution (picking between different overloaded methods at compile-time), we need to be able to speak about the type of an expression (and we need one single type, not several of them)
  2. We’d run into trouble typing conditional expressions. This is not something that we have included in FJ, but regular Java has it, and we may wish to include it as an extension to FJ

Let’s talk about this problem with conditionals (aka ternary expressions) in a little more detail. If we have a conditional , with , and , what is the return type of the expression? The simple solution is the least common supertype (this corresponds to the lowest common ancestor), but that becomes problematic with interfaces, which allow for multiple inheritance (for instance, if and both implement and , we wouldn’t know which one to pick).

The actual Java rule that’s used is that the return type is . Scala solves this (in Dotty) with union types, where the result type is .

Evaluation context

We can’t actually prove progress, as well-typed programs can get stuck because of casting. Casting can fail, and we’d get stuck. The solution is to weaken the statement of progress:

FJ progress (informally): a well-typed FJ term is either value, reduces to one, or gets stuck at a cast failure.

To formalize this, we need a little more work. We’ll first need to introduce evaluation contexts. For FJ, the evaluation context is defined as:

All expressions in are recursive, except for ; this means an expression is a nested composition of the above forms, with a hole somewhere inside it. We write for the term obtained by replacing the hole in with .

Evaluation contexts are essentially just shorthand notation to avoid the verbosity of congruence rules. Usually, congruence rules just “forward” the computation to some part of the expression, and that’s exactly what we capture with evaluation contexts: the position of tells us which part of the expression to evaluate.

Having defined the execution context, we can then express all congruence rules as a single rule:



We can now restate progress more formally.

FJ progress: Suppose is a closed, well-typed normal form. Then either:

  1. is a value
  2. for some
  3. For some evaluation context , we can express as , with


The preservation theorem can be stated as:

Preservation: If and then for some

But this doesn’t actually for FJ. Because we allow casts to go up and down, we can upcast to Object before downcasting to another, unrelated type. Because FJ must model Java, we need to actually introduce a rule for this. In this new rule, we give a “stupid warning” to indicate that the implementation should generate a warning if this rule is used:

Correspondence with Java

FJ corresponds to Java; by this, we mean:

  1. Every syntactically well-formed FJ program is also a syntactically well-formed Java program.
  2. A syntactically well-formed FJ program is typable in FJ (without using ) it is typable in Java
  3. A well-typed FJ program behaves the same in FJ as in Java (e.g. diverges in FJ it diverges in Java)

Without a formalization of full Java, we cannot prove this, but it’s still useful to say what we’re trying to accomplish, as it provides us with a rigorous way of judging potential counterexamples.

Foundations of Scala

Modeling lists

If we’d like to apply everything we’ve learned so far to model Scala, we’ll run into problems fairly quickly. Say we’d like to model a List.

trait List[+T] {
    def isEmpty: Boolean
    def head: T
    def tail: List[T]

def Const[T](hd: T, tl: List[T]) = new List[T] {
    def isEmpty = false
    def head = hd
    def tail = tl

def Nil[T] = new List[T] {
    def isEmpty = true
    def head = ???
    def tail = ???

Immediately, we run into these problems:

  • It’s parameterized
  • It’s recursive
  • It can be invariant or covariant

To solve the parametrization, we need a way to express type constructors. Traditionally, the solution is to express this as higher-kinded types.

*            // Kind of normal types (Boolean, Int, ...)
* -> *       // Kind of unary type constructor: 
             // something that takes a type, returns one
* -> * -> *  // and so on...

We’ve previously had abstraction and application for terms, but we’d now like to extends this to types. We’ll introduce , which works like but for types.

This also leads us to solving the problem of modeling recursive types, as we can now create type-level functions, called type operators. For instance, we can define a constructor for recursive types . For instance:

mu ListInt. { head: Int, tail: ListInt }

However, we get into some tricky questions when it comes to equality and subtyping. For instance, in the following, how do T and Int -> T relate?

type T = mu t. Int -> Int -> t

Finally, we need to model the covariance of lists. We can deal with variance by expressing definition site variance as use-site variance, using Java wildcards:

// We can go from definition site variance...
trait List[+T] { ... }
trait Function1[-T, +U] { ... }

Function1[D, E]

// ... to use-site variance by rewriting with Java wildcards:
trait List[T] { ... }
trait Function1[T, U]

List[_ <: C]
Function1[_ >: D, _ <: E]

Here, we should understand Function1[_ >: D, _ <: E] as the type of functions from some (unknown) supertpye of D to some (unknown) subtype of E. How can we model this? One possibility is existential types:

// Scala:
Function1[X, Y] forSome {
    type X >: D
    type Y <: E

// more traditional notation, with existential types:
 X >: D, Y <: E. Function1[X, Y]

But this gets messy rather quickly. Can we find a nicer way of expressing this? As we saw above, Scala has type members, so we can re-formulate List as follows:

trait List { self => 
    type T
    def isEmpty: Boolean
    def head: T
    def tail: List { type T <: self.T } // refinement handling co-variance

def Cons[X](hd: X, tl: List { type T <: X }) = new List {
    type T = X
    def isEmpty = false
    def head = hd
    def tail = tl

// analogous for Nil

This offers an alternative way to express the above, without using existential types, but instead using:

  • Variables, functions
  • Abstract types type T <: B
  • Refinements List { ... }
  • Path-dependent types self.T

Abstract types

Abstract types are types without a concrete implementation. They may have an upper and/or lower bound, like type L >: T <: U, or no bounds like below:

// Trait containing an abstract type:
trait KeyGen {
    type Key
    def key(s: String): this.Key

// Implementation refining the abstract type:
object HashKeyGen extends KeyGen {
    type Key = Int
    def key(s: String) = s.hashCode

We can reference the Key type of a term k as k.Key. This is a path-dependent type. For instance:

def mapKeys(k: KeyGen, ss: List[String]): List[k.Key] = 
    ss.map(s => k.key(s))

The function mapKeys has a dependent function type. This is an interesting type, because the result type has an internal dependency: (k: KeyGen, ss: List[String]) -> List[k.Key].

In Scala 2, we can’t express this directly; we’d have to go through a trait with an apply method, meaning that we have to define a type for every dependent function:

trait KeyFun {
    def apply(k: KeyGen, ss: List[String]): List[k.Key]

mapKeys = new KeyFun {
    def apply(k: KeyGen, ss: List[String]): List[k.Key] = 
        ss.map(s => k.key(s))

However, Scala 3 (dotty) introduces these dependent function types at the language level; it’s done with a similar trick to what we just saw.

In dotty, the intention was to have everything map to a simple object type; this has been formalized in a calculus called DOT, (path-)Dependent Object Types.


The DOT syntax is described in the DOT paper.

We use the following metavariables:

  • , , for variables
  • , , for term members
  • , , for type members

Types are in uppercase, terms in lowercase. Note that recursive types are a little different from what we’ve talked about, but we’ll get to that later.

As a small technicality, DOT imposes the restriction of only allowing member selection and application on variables, and not on values or full terms. This is equivalent, because we could just assign the value to a variable before selection or application. This way of writing programs is also called administrative normal form (ANF).

To simplify things, we can introduce a programmer-friendly notation with ASCII versions of DOT constructs:

(x: T) => U          for   λ(x : T)U
(x: T) -> U          for   ∀(x : T)U
new(x: T)d           or
new { x: T => d }    for   ν(x : T)d
rec(x: T)            or
{ x => T }           for   μ(x: T)
T & U                for   T  U
Any                  for   
Nothing              for   
{ type A >: S <: T } for   {A: S..T}
{ def a = t }        for   {a = t}
{ type A = T }       for   {A = T}

This calculus does not have generic types, because we can encode them as dependent function types.

Example 1: Twice

Let’s take a look at an example. The polymorphic type of the twice method (which we defined previously) is:

In other words, it takes a function from to , an argument of type , and returns a value of type , where is some generic type. This is represented as:

(cX: {A: Nothing..Any}) -> (cX.A -> cX.A) -> cX.A -> cX.A

The cX parameter is a kind of cell containing a type variance X (hence the name cX).

Example 2: Church booleans

Let’s see how Church Booleans could be implemented:

// Define an abstract "if type" IFT
type IFT = { if: (x: {A: Nothing..Any}) -> x.A -> x.A -> x.A }

let boolimpl =
    let boolImpl =
        new(b: { Boolean: IFT..IFT } &
            { true: IFT } &
            { false: IFT })
        { Boolean = IFT } &
        { true = { if = (x: {A: Nothing..Any}) => (t: x.A) => (f: x.A) => t } &
        { false = { if = (x: {A: Nothing..Any}) => (t: x.A) => (f: x.A) => f }
in ...

We can hide the implementation details of this with a small wrapper to which we apply boolImpl.

let bool =
    let boolWrapper =
        (x: rec(b: {Boolean: Nothing..IFT} &
                   {true: b.Boolean} &
                   {false: b.Boolean})) => x
    in boolWrapper boolImpl

This is all a little long-winded, so we can introduce some abbreviations:

// Abstract types:
type A                   for {A: Nothing..Any}
type A = T               for {A: T..T}
type A >: S              for {A: S..Any}
type A <: U              for {A: Nothing..U}
type A >: S <: U         for {A: S..U}

// Intersections:
{ type A = T; a = t }    for {A = T} & {a = t}
{ type A <: T; a = T }   for {A: Nothing..T} & {a: T}

// Ascription:
t: T
// Which expands to:
((x: T) => x) t
// Which expands to:
let y = (x: T) => x in
    let z = t in 
        y z

// Object definition:
new { x => d }           for new (x: T)d

With these in place, we can give an abbreviated definition:

let bool =
    new { b =>
        type Boolean = {if: (x: { type A }) -> (t: x.A) -> (f: x.A) -> x.A}
        true = {if: (x: { type A }) => (t: x.A) => (f: x.A) => t}
        false = {if: (x: { type A }) => (t: x.A) => (f: x.A) => f}
    }: { b => type Boolean; true: b.Boolean; false: b.Boolean }

Example 3: Lists

We’ve now introduced all the concepts we need to actually define the covariant list in DOT. We’d like to model the following Scala code in DOT:

package scala.collection.immutable

trait List[+A] {
    def isEmpty: Boolean
    def head: A
    def tail: List[A]

object List{
    def nil: List[Nothing] = new List[Nothing] {
        def isEmpty = true
        def head = head // infinite loop
        def tail = tail // infinite loop

    def cons[A](hd: A, tl: List[A]) = new List[A] {
        def isEmpty = false
        def head = hd
        def tail = tl

We can write this in DOT as:

let scala_collection_immutable_impl = new { sci =>
    type List = { thisList =>
        type A
        isEmpty: bool.Boolean
        head: thisList.A
        tail: sci.List & {type A <: thisList.A }

    cons = (x: {type A}) => (hd: x.A) =>
        (tl: sci.List & { type A <: x.A }) =>
            let l = new {
                type A = x.A
                isEmpty = bool.false
                head = hd
                tail = tl 
            } in l

    nil = (x: {type A}) =>
        let l = new { l =>
            type A = x.A
            isEmpty = bool.true
            head = l.head
            tail = l.tail
        } in l

To hide the implementation, we can wrap scala_collection_immutable_impl:

let scala_collection_immutable = scala_collection.immutable_impl: { sci =>
    type List <: { thisList =>
        type A
        isEmpty: bool.Boolean
        head: thisList.A
        tail: sci.List & {type A <: thisList.A }

    nil: sci.List & { type A = Nothing }

    cons: (x: {type A}) ->
          (hd: x.A) ->
          (tl: sci.List & { type A <: x.A }) ->
          sci.List & { type A = x.A }

This concept of hiding the implementation gives us nominality. A nominal type such as List is simply an abstract type with a hidden implementation. This shows that nominal and structural types aren’t completely separated; we can do nominal types within a structural setting if we have these constructs.


Evaluation is interesting, because we’d like for it to keep terms in ANF.

First, to define the congruence rules, let’s define an evaluation context :

The rules are then:

Type assignment and subtyping

These are in the slides and in the DOT paper.

Abstract types

Abstract types turn out to be both the most interesting and most difficult part of this, so let’s take a quick look at it before we go on.

Abstract types can be used to encode type parameters (as in List), hide information (as in KeyGen), and also to resolve some puzzlers like this one:

trait Food
trait Grass extends Food

trait Animal {
    def eat(food: Food): Unit

trait Cow extends Animal with Food {
    // error: does not override Animal.eat because of contravariance
    def eat(food: Grass): Unit

trait Lion extends Animal {
    // error: does not override Animal.eat because of contravariance
    def eat(food: Cow): Unit

Scala disallows this, but Eiffel, Dart and TypeScript and allow it. The trade-off that the latter languages choose is modeling power over soundness, though some languages have eventually come back around and tried to fix this (Dart has a strict mode, Eiffel proposed some data flow analysis, …).

In Scala, this contravariance problem can be solved with abstract types:

trait Animal {
    type Diet <: Food
    def eat(food: Diet): Unit

trait Cow extends Animal {
    type Diet <: Grass
    def eat(food: this.Diet): Unit

object Milka extends Cow {
    type Diet = AlpineGrass
    def eat(food: AlpineGrass): Unit

Progress and preservation

Progress is actually wrong. Here’s a counter example:

t = let x = (y: Bool) => y in x

But we can extend our definition of progress. Instead of values, we’ll just want to get answers, which we define as variables, values or let-bindings.

But this is difficult (and it’s what took 8 years to prove), because we always need an inversion, and the subtyping relation is user-definable. This is not a problem for simple type bounds:

type T >: S <: U

But it becomes complex for non-sensical bounds:

type T >: Any <: Nothing

By transitivity, it would mean that Any <: Nothing, so by transitivity all types are subtypes of each other. This is bad because it means that inversion fails, as we cannot tell anything from the types anymore.

We might say that this should be easy to disallow in the compiler, but it isn’t. The compiler cannot always tell.

// S and T are both good:
type S = { type A; type B >: A <: Bot }
type T = { type A >: Top <: B; type B }

// But their intersection is bad
type S & T == { type A >: Top <: Bot; type B >: Top <: Bot }

Bad bounds can arise from intersecting types with good bounds. This isn’t too bad in and of itself, as we could just check all intersection types, written or inferred, for these bad bounds. But there’s a final problem: bad bounds can arise at run-time. By preservation, if and then . Because of subsumption, may also have a type which is a true subtype of , and that type could have bad bounds (from an intersection for instance).

To solve this, the idea is to reason about environments arising from an actual computation in the preservation rule. This environment corresponds to an evaluated let binding, binding variables to values. Values are guaranteed to have good bounds because all type members are aliases.

In other words, the let prefix acts like a store, a set of bindings of variables to values. Evaluation will then relate terms and stores:

For the theorems of proofs and preservation, we need to relate environment and store. We’ll introduce a definition:

An environment corresponds to a store , written if for every binding there is an entry where .

Here denotes an exact typing relation, whose typing derivation ends with All-I or {}-I (so no subsumption or structural rules).

By restating our theorems as follows, we can then prove them.

  • Preservation: If and and then there exists an environment such that and .
  • Progress: if and then either is a normal form, or for some store and term .
  1. is equivalent to  

  2. Recall that this notation is used to say a store is well typed with respect to a typing context and a store typing , as defined in the section on safety in STLC with stores

  3. Both the course and TAPL only specify the inversion lemma for evaluation for the toy language with if-else and booleans, but the same reasoning applies to get an inversion lemma for evaluation for pure lambda calculus, in which three rules can be used: , and

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